What to
wear? A problem I bet many of you have faced before! A closet full of clothes
but nothing in it that soothes the mood. Well I seem to have that problem as
well when talking about skincare. A
whole store full of products but which one will soothe the mood for my extremely
difficult skin. Too greasy at times yet dry at others. Too many products
advertising the same thing yet providing nothing but more trouble and
empty wallets! After searching and trying and many (ooh yes many) greasy forehead
situations I found several products that work for me. I’ll lead you through it!

Yet another problem
to face, sensitive eyes! Most products clean make-up well but give me red and
slightly swollen eyes. This Nivea cleaning cream does the job! The tonic
cleanser is something I have been using for as long as I can remember. When
writing this review I thought of the perfect words to best describe the
products, but well sometimes you lack inspiration, so let’s just say this tonic
makes you feel ‘clean’. Try it and you’ll know what I am brambling about ;).
This mattifying seaweed day cream I bought at
The Body Shop. It feels kind of strange when applying on your skin because of the slithery
texture (I’m guessing the seaweed additive
;) ), but feels great and keeps your skin hydrated and matted all day
I don’t like
too many layers of product on my skin. But occasionally you just gotta put on
that extra layer in order to look normal! You know exams, deadlines, late night
drunken parties, well the usual! ;) I use
this BB-cream from Garnier and to mattify some powder. As you can see, I use the
powder quit a lot! Guess I just need to look normal A LOT!
As an evening routine I clean my face with tonic
and water, afterwards I apply this Ducray cream. In summer, during times of
stress or that time of the month my skin acts like crazy! This Ducray cream
keeps it under control and I must say does quite the job! This product is only available
at the pharmacist and quite expensive too unfortunately.
Talking about
evening routine I always apply hydration cream on my legs. I know, I know this
cream is an after-sun and maybe my subconscious
wants me to believe I spent the entire day in the hot warm summer sun and need
after-sun, but I just love the Aloe vera smell and the cool feeling it provides
so winter OR summer I’m sticking with this!
There you
go! These products work for me. And NO, this is not an advertisement for Nivea ;)
Hope this
review will help you during the search for a tamer of your crazy skin!
Have a lovely weekend!
Elke, x