Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Sunday, July 27, 2014
DYL | Change the concept of your blog.
I've been feeling restless for the past couple of months, even years. With my graduation coming closer and still not having a clue what my next move would be. Since February I can finally call myself a biologist, with a master's degree to back up my story. Finding work wasn't easy, especially if you don't have a single clue which job would make you happy. After 3 months of sitting at home and thinking about my life, someone saw an employee in me and hired my ass. Now, almost 3 months later, I'm still very grateful for this opportunity because in theory I'm overqualified for the job and they have to pay me more than they would do others. But does this job give me the fulfillment I've always wanted? No. Does it let me lead the life I've always wanted for myself? No. Am I even happy? In a certain way I am, because I couldn't wish for any nicer colleagues and I'm saving up a lot of money but on the other hand I feel like my life's on hold and I'm just waiting for something to happen. I've been talking about it a lot with friends, since I've started working my urge to see the world and experience life to the fullest has only grown stronger.
Next summer, my boyfriend, my soulmate, is graduating as a biologist as well and I feel like everything is building up to that moment. The moment that we can take off and start living our lives. I'm super excited about it but at the same time scared to death that I'm not going to find the happiness and satisfaction that I'm looking for. Does it even exist? Am I just a person with a restless soul or is there something out there waiting for me? I definitely want to find out and it would be awesome if you would experience this journey with me.
Although, I'm not going to wait until next year to revamp my life, being happy is something you should strive after every single day. That's why I want to change the concept of my blog, at 2 in the morning nonetheless. Talking with Maya, a like-minded soul, earlier this evening gave me the sudden inspiration I've been waiting for to change my blog for the better and also to put my plans for a happier life in action. From now on I'm going to post about things in my life that make me happy and fulfilled. This, however, doesn't mean that my blog is doing a 180° turn. Putting together outfits and showing them to you, for example, does make me happy so the main focus isn't going to change. I just want to add some character and depth to my blog. If you know what I mean? I want my blog to be my random guide to a happy life because in the end it's all about how you dressed your life. Ha!
Thanks for reading (and finishing) my personal musings.
Naomi, x.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Monday, July 21, 2014
Bloggers on instagram...
... always sit by the window on planes.
(@chiaraferragni, @vhby, @curlsandbags, @lovelypepa, @mayabogaert)

(@annanooshin, @fashionbirds, @lalalisha, @wishwishwish, @thefashionloonatic)

... have a mild drinking problem.
(@brunetteblogging, @elenaplentyofashion, @dogsandresses, @70percentpure, @sara_windowonmywardrobe)