Thursday, July 25, 2013

It was someones birthday yesterday...

This is what you get when you were dance partners for about 8 years, have a common interest in music, fashion and again dancing and when you call each other Babien and Bobien: an awesome buddy you can call your friend. To make some things clear: Babien = Sabrina and Bobien = Dorien, our once and a while guestblogger!
Yesterday it was her birthday and it was time for some serious catching up. Due to her busy schedule with working and travelling and me being behind my books and laptop all the time, we're always in contact through sms. Yes, we are that kind of texting-generation. It's quick and easy. But a lovely cocktail makes chit chat always so much better, right?!
Because it's thursday today a lot of peepz like to post a ThrowBackThursday picture on Twitter or whatever but I thought to bring a TBT blogpost! A little jump back in time brings up so many lovely memories. It aren't pictures when we were young little strangers, but a couple of them over the past 7 or 8 years, I think?!

And again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY lovely Blonde :-).

Sabrina, x.

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