Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Instagram Feed #1

Follow @aardbeienroomijs

Drumroll please......
I present to you my first monthly instagram feed! A few snapshots of November.

A new hair colour, haircut and awesome sweater ❖ One of my favourite desserts: Moeilleux au chocolat (I'll even order it before my main course just to be sure) ❖ 'Into the Wild', not the movie (thank god), but very darkgreen nailpolish ❖ My mum and I before a lovely evening out

New addition to my room, I really like the combination of purple & silver ◆ Details of an outfit ◆ Piet Konijn has some attitude ◆ Delicious dish with fish and cauliflower mash, find the recipe here
Our first giveaway, in collaboration with Simple comme Bonjour ◆ Another new 'Sparkling' nailpolish ◆ A vintage Coca-Cola Christmas card ◆ My two most favourite boys in the whole world snoozing the day away

When I was little I would always wait until this commercial was on. It still puts me in a very good mood whenever I hear 'Holidays are coming!'. No holidays without the Coca-Cola trucks and of course Love Actually, deuh.

I really can't sit still when I hear this song!
Naomi, x.