Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas galore with a sneak preview

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One day to go and it's Christmas eve and after that some more celebration on Christmas Day, yayyy!

I've seen gazillion supermarkets and experienced several full shopping carts between hundreds of other crazy people in search of the right ingredients for their Christmas feast. And a little fact for people who don't know me that well: I ab-so-lutely DON'T like supermarkets. I've had my share of grocery stores for now...

Besides the horrifying food markets, I went - like many others - present shopping for my beloved ones. Some of them were easier than others ;-). I'm almost jealous of all the Christmas gifts underneath our tree. Yup, we've got a big family :-).

Indulging others is something I just can't help... But I did some pampering for moi-même as well. I present you a sneak peek of my outfit for Christmas eve by the in-laws ;-). 

And for days as these I'm going to pamper myself as well with some lovely beauty products. I'm going for a natural look with a minty touch on the nails.

You'll get to see the outfit tomorrow so stay tuned ;-)...
Have a lovely Sunday and I wish you all a very merry Christmas!

Sabrina, x.