Saturday, December 15, 2012

10 Things I Hate About You

Well not exactly, this post OF COURSE isn’t about things I hate, au contraire, I want to give a general enumeration of the 10 things I love or the things that make me smile.

But it so happens to be that the title of this blogpost is one of my all-time favorite movies, well one mustn’t tell lies (yes currently having a Harry Potter marathon as well). I just love this movie because of the main character in it, you guessed it, pretty Heath Ledger

So before I totally drift off in my mind about Heath (or Ryan Gosling for that matter) here are the 10 things I LOVE:

1. My warmbats! For no particular reason (or maybe my wallet had a little say in it) I decided to let the Ugg-train pass me by and I jumped on the warmbat-express. I must say money well spend! Don’t really care if they look big, chunky and totally not elegant, as long as my feet are warm. I bought them last winter and have been looking forward all summer to wear them again! 

2. SUSHI, just love it! Love making it, love eating it. No further explanation needed, a picture says more than a thousand words. Lots of Sushi pictures, to express my sushi love! :) 

Eating out
Eating in ;)

Home made Sushi!

3. I just love the heat a fireplace produces. It’s so cozy during cold winter times.

4. Cake! As collateral damage of exam-periods/periods with lots of stress (deadlines aah!), I seem to bake A LOT of stuff. Cakes, quiches, muffins, .. You name it I’ll make it! Well nobody else seems to mind this little exam time habit of mine.  

5. Dresses! While going through my closet, all frustrated that I couldn’t find anything to wear (sounds familiar?), I discovered I have this obsession with dresses. Here’s a preview of some of my favorite dresses. Not all of them of course, I wouldn’t want to spoil all of my next outfit posts ;). 

A sneak peek!

6. “Sokjes” 
When we were 6 years old me and my sister were constantly nagging to our mother ‘when do we finally get our Christmas presents?’, this was usually at the end of November ;).

She finally gave in to the cute little bundles of joy we were at that age (ahum ;) ) and came up with this great idea of having a ‘sokjes-calendar’.  

She made 24 little socks hanging on a line and each day starting from the first until the 24e of December she would put a little ‘in anticipation of present’ in these socks. Counting down the days with presents until the big day arrived and we could unpack the gifts laying under the Christmas tree. A bit spoiled? Yes indeed!

So 17 years later and I must admit, we still get our sokjes and I LOVE it! I still literally wake up, get down in my pajamas and see what’s in my little sock before I start doing anything else.

7. Can’t sleep literature! As our first introduction post mentioned, I love reading thrillers. In a weird kind of way they relax me, strange I know ;).

8. Green things! I like the color green. In everything, from my make-up, to my clothes all the way down to my shoes. I even love my friends in green! ;)

9. Animals, I just love animals! I have a dog named Nala, a rabbit named Vosje and a cat named Maurice. All ginger animals! This year in October, I travelled to Madagascar where I had the chance to visit a rehabilitation center where they kept lemurs, who were saved from being captured for bush meat. 

10. Traveling, I just love traveling! This year I went to Gorge du Verdon with my other half, I traveled alone to West-Africa for my thesis and with the entire family I toured entire Madagascar for 3 weeks. 

All of the pictures above taken in Lovely France

I have so much that I love. Of course I could make this post all over again with 10 different things. But to conclude: I love my friends, family, love eating out, love drinking a good beer, a good glass of wine, a good cocktail, I love flowers, I love my blanket (extra warm during these cold days), I love my sofa……………… I guess I just love a lot of stuff!  :) 

I'll just leave you with a final picture to enjoy ;) 
With special love to Melanie


Hope you had fun reading this post!
Elke, x