Wearing: sweater - Urban Outfitters / necklace - Studio Blanche / belt - New Look / pants - Zara / scarf - gift / bracelet - gift / loafers - Primark.
Snapshot outfit post, you like? I felt like dressing up for our weekly family dinner, three generations of feisty women and granny's finest cooking. I'm talking about good old Flemish dishes, my absolute favourite: onion sauce, a soft-boiled egg, meatballs and potatoes. I know the face you're making right now, but I promise you: it's yummy as hell!
Let's talk outfit now. The sweater was a bargain and I really like the loose fit. I contrasted the bright mint colour with my black jeans and some softer brown shades. The necklace and scarf are recent buys so I had to wear them. These leopard loafers are one of my favourite pairs but of course my feet disagree. They had to suck it up nevertheless because the loafers go damn good with the rest of my outfit.
Naomi, x.