Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Meet: DYL

Four completely different girls, two different studies, but when it comes to fashion, living and lifestyle our minds become as one. Fashion, looking up inspiring blogs, surfing online like real (lazy) Fashonista’s and browsing for things we can only dream of is part of our daily routine. Besides fashion we L.O.V.E living the life! Give us some yummy food, bubbly drinks or a relaxing day among friends with nothing but talking, laughing & taking pictures and we’re as happy as can be!
So we thought, why not gather all of our musings & ideas and combine them in one Blog. This way we can busy ourselves more with what we love to do and spread it to the world. So here you go ladies and gents, as of now we shall try to surprise you with outfit posts, fashion, nightlife, new must-see venues, adventures and many more!
Versatility is an important part of this blog, as there are four of us, we have quadratic more things to say! Not only do we differ in characteristics and styles, but also in hair color. Let’s introduce ourselves a bit more!

This one is thé absolute catloverrr, small or big, it doesn’t matter! As she admires animals so much, just open her closet and it will be obvious: animal print everywhere with lots of colors. Even the boyfriend is her number one big lovely cuddly bear.‘Tengo muchos zapatos’ being the first Spanish sentence she learned, says enough for this fashionista but also the language makes her heart beat faster. Some people even call her a freak in the shoe department, but we call it a truly nice addiction! The winter season is a definite no-go, just give her lots of warm sunshine with sandy beaches, beautiful nature and you make her the happiest girl on the planet. Move over Dora, because she’s the next world explorer, the more countries she visits, the more excited she gets. Chillin’ is her middle name because stress is just too exhausting! And please whatever you do, don’t feed her after midnight..

The Golden EBONY
This little BLACK haired girl has truly several addictions that fit nicely in her love for fashion. Shoes, bags and jewelry, in other words all the ingredients for an endless collection! Many styles she admires, every one of them she gets fascinated by. The color gold and some bling are a total must! In contrast to the Diva Brunette, she can’t get enough of dogs, if possible she would have a handful of them. “Dance like no one’s watching” goes hand in hand with her greatest passion of all, an elegant ballet or a fierce hiphop, goosebumps every single time! The cute smile and curls of the boyfriend, makes her heart melt every time. Food is not a complicated story with her, she either loves it or hates it. It may sound bananas but this one does NOT like chocolate! Family all over the world makes it besides spotting new cultures and cities more exciting to travel the globe.

The Vivacious GINGER
She absolutely adores flowers, can’t get enough of them! Whether they’re given to her by the boyfriend or simply decorating the streets, they always put a smile on her face. Although this redhead is a huge fan of ginger animals, she hates the fact that she’s one, major color challenge every time! Luckily vintage shops always know how to please her. Adventurous as ever, traveling and experiencing new places is indispensable. A good glass of wine, a big pint of beer, a sweet cocktail, basically anything containing alcohol is her cup of tea, along with some fine pasta dishes. She loves reading crime books late at night, but absolutely hates the I-am-to-afraid-to-go-to-sleep part afterwards! Most of all she cherishes those winter nights cuddling up with the boyfriend while secretly she wants to steal his heat.  Some may say she‘s stubborn to the bone, she of course always begs to differ! And finally she loves anything GREEN!

The Romantic BLONDE
All this one needs is a daily dose of art, culture, and some moving music but most of all dance. Mondern jazz & contemporary dance touch her soul the most. She also loves taking pictures, catching the overwhelming beauty of one moment and sharing it with others. Discovering other cultures and meeting new people is a top priority when travelling. No little one is safe from her big heart, because she would do anything to make children smile. Yet another animal lover, with stunning tigerrrs at the top of her list. For her fashion is all about soft natural colors and materials, layering (hello autumn & winter!), feminine silhouettes with a bohemian touch. You can always please her with sweet things: melocakes, Cuarenta y tres, candlelight dinner, little surprises,… Not to wonder why she is absolutely in love with Paris. This little perfectionist does stress too much sometimes but then she thinks about her lovely friends & family, and the world suddenly turns pink again!

We hope you enjoy reading our blog!

DYL, x. 

P.S.: You can follow us on www.facebook.com/Dressyourlife