Sunday, April 19, 2015

Rise of the Teva.

Pictures by Teva
In case you missed the news, Teva sandals are hot and happening this year! Their new collections are bursting with colour, from metallics to pastels. Big love! Being a biologist, I feel personally connected to the brand. I used to steal my mum's leather originals for all kinds of field trips. She wouldn't let me have my own pair though because she wasn't too sure I would keep on wearing them and of course I only wanted leather ones too (#snob). Throughout my school career, I saw a lot of Teva sandals passing me by, with the occasional pair of socks during winter. We definitely own that shit. 

I never did buy my own pair though, and seeing these pictures makes me want to slap myself in the face, hard. I always struggle with comfortable footwear on holiday and not once did I think about Teva's. Bad biologist. Time to set the record straight this year! I already feel like undertaking new adventures in the Costa Rican cloud forests

What do you think about the new collections?